Who are Focus Labour Solutions?

In 2008 Barbara and Craig founded Focus Labour Solutions to meet the demands of high quality and honest labour hire services for the viticultural industry.
We have based our business on values that ensure we are always striving to be the best for our clients and employees. We ensure we never compromise on our standards, service or systems. When we make a commitment to a client, we stick to it.
Currently we employ 16 permanent staff and can employ anywhere up to 120 casual staff at any one time. With this, our clients can count on us to solve their short term or even long term labour hire requirements. We have developed our own internal and external training programs to ensure that all staff are well trained. We are also a member of the Master Contractors Association and 100% support their commitment to compliance and best practice.
Our values:
Fairness - A commitment to being an honest and fair employer to all our employees.
Quality - To provide quality work and well-trained labour staff, and ensure each team is supervised at all times. To expand with demand, maintaining quality of service at all times.
Safety - To provide our staff with a safe working environment and supply all necessary safety equipment.
Honesty - To maintain relationships based on honesty and integrity between client, contractor and employees.
Integrity - To ensure all work commitments are met within agreed timeframes.
Compliant - To adhere to all requirements and regulations - OSH, Immigration, Department of Labour, and Employment Relations.
At Focus Labour Solutions this is what we are all about:
Values Diversity and employs great people with great attitudes.
We take great care in our work and do what it takes to get the job done.
We look after our customers and value their feedback both good and bad and put things right when required.
We act professionally at all times and treat each other with honesty and respect.
The health and safety of our employees is paramount.
We are a family type business that takes great pride in what we do and where everyone contributes to the team.